We are proud to announce we are now approved Origin Green members!
As a business we’re striving to approach everything we do in the most sustainable and ethical way possible, so naturally, making the best possible choices to minimise our impact on the environment is really important to us.
What is Origin Green & why is it important?
Origin Green is the worlds' only national food and drink sustainability programme.
As populations grow, the need for food also grows. So too does the pressure on limited natural resources such as soil and water.
Therefore, it’s vitally important that food is produced in a way that protects these natural resources rather than depleting them, while also being respectful to the community, now and into the future. Origin Green’s focus on sustainability improvements is in line with the Food Wise 2025 recommendation to strengthen the sustainability credentials of Ireland’s production systems in parallel with increases in production levels, to ensure that the advantages of the sector are maximised for the Irish economy and environment into the future.
Our sustainability commitments and goals:
As Origin Green members we will be focusing on some key areas to drive our sustainability mission which are as follows:
Continued and increased focus on sustainable packaging solutions. Currently our buttons are are packages in a compostable wrapper and our bars are packaged in a compostable film and recycled cardboard outer box. We also are committed to continuously looking at new ways to reduce our packaging waste, as well as better packaging options for all of our products.
Sustainable and ethical sourcing:
Sourcing is an extremely important aspect of our business and we are already striving to use only ethically and sustainably sourced ingredients. However we believe we can do more to create direct trade partnerships and support programmes with our cacao suppliers in particular. We are working to ensure new partners and suppliers are audited and have sustainability certificates moving forward.
Health and nutrition:
A core mission of our business is making treats that are better for us. All Nobó products are already diary free, refined sugar free, gluten free, soy free and GMO free. However we are always questioning what we can do better and improve upon. Ensuring we are making the best ingredient choices across our range will be a key driver of our business as we move forward.
We’re striving to create a kinder, more positive world and it means so much to us that you’ve chosen to be a part of that story.
If there’s any areas you would like to learn more about, or have ideas around, we are always interested in finding better ways to do things. We are delighted to hear from packaging companies and industry experts who can help us be the best Irish food brand at using innovative greener materials and lowering our carbon footprint. If you would like to get in touch, please email rachel@nobo.ie