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Rachel & The Sunday Independent
Reviews & Interviews Treathouse

The Sunday Times – 5 Stars for Nobó

We were absolutely delighted that Nobó was given a 5 star rating and named the ‘stone cold winner’ in a taste taste amongst children, for an article in The Sunday Times (20/03/15)
Indy Power Loves Nobó

Healthy food blogger Indy Power of The Little Green Spoon is a huge Nobó fan and give us a glowing review in her column in the Irish Independent Weekend Magazine
Great Taste Awards 2014 -Top 50 Foods

Our Fresh Lemon has been awarded the prestigious 3 Gold Stars at the Great Taste Awards 2014. It was also judged as one of the top 50 foods in the UK and Ireland. Hear what the star judge Charles Campion had to say : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk6LS8KgThE
Rachel chats to Image magazine

Rachel sits down with Image Magazine to talk about changing careers, her inspirations and the challenges of starting your own business. Have a read below! https://www.image.ie/life/people-dont-give-credit-can-anythings-possible-just-case-going-rachel-nolan-148926