

Taking time to be grateful

Treat Yourself Better

Meditation is something that is very new to me but that I have noticed really helps me in setting a positive mind set. When I did my yoga teacher training last year one of my favourite parts of the day was a lead meditation practice each morning.

We were firstly asked to practice forgiveness. This was the most difficult one for me! Letting go of grudges, forgiving yourself for mistakes you had made or for missed opportunities.

We then moved onto gratitude. Being grateful for where we were, the people we were with, to ourselves and all the opportunities we had been given, support from others..anything at all!

Finally, guidance. At first I felt like I should be asking someone or higher power for guidance but then I realised for me it was just like writing a list. Giving myself some space to think about what I was doing next and what I needed to do to get there.

I had forgotten how this practice made me feel until I added it in at the end of a yoga class I taught recently. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget to take some time out and reflect on all the great things going on in our lives, big and small.

As part of my daily routine I am going to make sure I take a moment each day. Whether it’s in the shower, brushing my teeth, walking to work or in a queue for coffee to be grateful for the little things in my life. Setting a positive mindset can help improve not only your emotional but also your physical well being. 


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